The Rules

As with real golf, the lowest score, wins!

Detailed Rules:

  1. Each round consists of 9 holes (bars).

  2. After each hole, every golfer documents their stroke based on the specific stroke count for the hole.

    1. Example:

      1. Eagle = (-2) = 1 shot of vodka

      2. Birdie = (-1) = 1 margarita

      3. Par = (0) = 1 light beer

      4. Bogie = (+1) = 1 mimosa

      5. Double Bogie = (+2) = No drink/Skipping the hole

  3. Each golfer is allowed one stroke, meaning you get credit for only 1 beverage.

    1. Unless otherwise specified, each hole represents 1 drink. Example: If the scorecard says: Beer/Wine/Mimosa = you can choose any ONE beer, glass of wine or mimosa to claim that score for that hole.

  4. Substitutions can be made if the menu/listed specialty drinks has changed or is unavailable. However, every golfer must agree on the changes.

  5. If a hole is designated a water hazard, golfers are not allowed to use the restroom without adding 2 strokes (+2) to their scorecard.

  6. Speaking of water - drinking water at each hole is highly recommended! Drinking water or ordering a snack is a good thing and not to be penalized.

  7. Each course is designed to be walked and the assumption is you will play these courses on the weekends, during afternoon/evening hours.

  8. Have fun and be responsible! Take an Uber/Lyft/Taxi/Whatever to the first hole and have them pick you up at the last hole!

  9. Don’t forget to use the #BarGolfUS and tag us on IG, Twitter, and Facebook!