Who are we and what is this?!.

Easy – we like to have fun!

And playing Bar Golf is fun! That’s, pretty much it. 

Want a bit more? Fine…

Bar Golf is a classic drinking game, best played with friends on a beautiful, sunny day. The idea is, if you plan to bar hop or want to enjoy a fun filled day with friends, here is an easy way to add a bit of spice to the mix.

This game is not intended to get anyone so drunk they can’t stand up; you can do that all on your own. Please drink responsibly and be kind to others. 


Useful Links: 

  • If you play Bar Golf, you must print, sign and email this release. We are not liable for any shenanigans that ensue. 

  • If you feel you may drink too much alcohol and may have a problem, please seek help. A good place to start is right here

  • Please follow us on social media and Contact Us with any comments, questions, or suggestions!